A wise man once said
that the truth about life
is making it to thirty or fifty
without wanting to shoot yourself in the head.
Unless people do the shooting for you
Was the part he skipped.
That's another truth about life.
A wise man once said
that the truth about life
is making it to thirty or fifty
without wanting to shoot yourself in the head.
Unless people do the shooting for you
Was the part he skipped.
That's another truth about life.
Whenever we have a toothache
Abuji writes invisible duas in Arabic
With his broken finger
On our cheeks
As if we are pages.
I wonder
How many broken fingers
Would be needed to write on Kashmir.
Would it work on multitude of toothaches?
Our pantry guy
talks to himself.
Smiles most of the times.
Makes sounds.
Shares jokes with himself.
Unlike me
He doesn't need
People, books, television, mobile phones
To fight loneliness.
He is his own company.
When I see him
Half dead
Snoring on the sofa
I wonder how much life he has taken in.
How much is still left.
Just the other day
To top it all
Someone joked:
Let him sleep full time
He's been working here since 20 years
On a temporary basis and
Lives alone in the suburbs.
How I interpreted that
Is still a mystery but
Since that day
I am able to understand all his self-incurred smiles and sounds.
I get all his jokes now on a regular basis.
It seems the poet was right after all
"the world has failed us both"