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Thursday, 29 October 2020


In far distant Turkey,
In a Pamuk novel,
News preceedes the events:
People are in print first then in jails, everywhere.

In recent Kashmir,
In an official report,
Events write themselves off:
People are in print first then anywhere,

Or nowhere.

Sunday, 25 October 2020

Of God and other details

One just wants to write
the essential lines and
leave the rest of the page completely blank.
One doesn't want to
write the, if, an, it, so, just,
meanwhile, sometimes, to, and, of etc.
One just wants to put to paper
the sentence around which the poem got woven
like God writing Earth
out of nowhere in this horrendous space.

Later one day 
When some bugs, ants, flies, spiders,
crawl the spaces,
as one is breathing down,
does one understand how
they appear to be
God's own prepositions
God's own conjunctions.

Only later
does one realise that somehow,
all the details matter -
Even the seemingly wrong ones.

A poem is a gift held together by details.

Friday, 23 October 2020


I desire to be perceived -
the way a tyre
smushes a coarse road:

Either I lose a stone or two
or you -
your tread.

"It would be life."

Thursday, 15 October 2020


A tilted model 
of a digestive system
Hanging in the corner
On a dilapidated wall
Of some remote school room.
Without windows,
Locked at the front -
Dust ridden.

That is how
We are:
Hanging inside worn-out space
Among sattelite debris
In some remote corner of the galaxy.
Spinning like food.
A coin tossed in the air -
Lust ridden.

Except -
The veins of the body 
Look horrendous
Than the surface of the earth.

Friday, 9 October 2020

The Unknown Employee

A Kashmiri Professor misreads W H Auden's poem 'The Unknown Citizen'

(Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji'un
This gravestone
Is erected because he was a practising Sunni)

He was found by the Department of Higher Education to be
One against whom there was no official complaint in his Service Book,
And all the reports on his conduct agree
That, in the Kashmiri sense of a practical word, he was yet another 'kalle' in the system,
For in everything he did he served the Greater Muslim Community.
Except for Curfews till the day he retired
He worked in this Industry and never got fired,
But satisfied his employers (high or low) at various GOVT. COLLEGES 
Yet he wasn't a scab or odd in his views,
For his Committee reports that he annually overpaid his CA,
(Our report on his pay statement shows it was sound)
And our overeducated, polite non-teaching workers found
That he was popular with his mates and loved to gossip.
The Press are convinced that he bought a government funded newspaper every day
And that his reactions to advertisements were normal in every way.
Policies taken out in his name prove that he was fully insured,
And his health-card shows he didn't die, plying in public buses, even in pandemic situations.
All SOs and other officials declare
He was fully sensible to the advantages of the NPS, GP Fund, arrears, allowances, increments
And had everything necessary to be a Professor,
An expensive Mobile phone with an active WhatsApp account, an attentive listener and a house on loan
Our officials at higher places are content
That he held the proper opinions for the time of year;
When there were elections, he went for duties: when there was B2V duty, he went.
He in fact married, to prove his manliness, but added only one child to the population,
Which his family and in-laws declare was not the right number for a parent of his profession.
And our senior professors (now working as Principals) report that he never interfered with their institutional policies.
Was he updated about his subject? Did he teach well? These questions are absurd:
Had anything been wrong, we should certainly have heard
From his extensively-active-social-media-no-post-yet- locked-profile-picture mashallah happily married male/female collegues.

Monday, 5 October 2020

Domestic Violence

Experts say
Domestic violence 
Takes place mostly
In crowded, noisy places.
Declare one needs 
Elf ears to hear anything at all.

The maids
Of estates and mansions
Disapprove of the same.
Say they hear it all the time
Even with their defective ears.

Meanwhile -
The Earth moves at a masculine speed.

Thursday, 1 October 2020


You meet me
Like a solo tabla piece
Inside the electric buzz 
Of a popular pop song -

The way
A frail heart breaks,
Inside this cacophonous world.

Within just 20 seconds.

The song landscapes,
Goosebumps emcamp 
By the sweat rivers
Of your treble and low bass touch.

I hum,
Pretending to love the song.

Friday, 25 September 2020

Ordinary Shenanigans

It is late September morning.
The air smells of
Impending winter.
We are doubtful, divided -
arguing, advising,
assuring, ruminating
Whether a half-sweater 
Or a full one 
Would have been handy and
Wise to wear
Or whether it'd be too hot
As the day approaches.

Things ordinary people do -
In a place that flaunts
Velvet dresses and corduroy shirts.

Thursday, 24 September 2020


When you are around
Everything ordinary is a unique experience.
I pass through a door in a crammed city and
Find myself in the middle of a dense forest.
A needle kisses me and I
Burst into colourful jelly fishes.
I ring the bell of an unknown house and
God opens the door, smiling.
I warble a dirge and
It suddenly turns into a love song.
I consume food and
Flowers bloom inside my stomach.
I pass by a graveyard and
Blush with their animated greetings.

Rest of the times,
The world is an ancient stone wall
I keep bumping into
Even with my eyes open.

Monday, 21 September 2020


I won't tell you about
What happened in the protest.
The chants of Azadi
The teargas
The shelling
The blood
The routine

I would rather report to you 
What happened before it all:
How you savoured 
Loads of cheap Nadir Monji
By a roadside shop
Smacking your lips
After eating loads of Chetin
While your eyes glowed with life and declared:
Now is the time to Rule.

- a moment of truth
Before everything turns 
Into nothing but images.
Poor images.
Pixelated images.
Viral images.
Shared images.
Commented images.

Saturday, 19 September 2020

Birthday kinda Poem

I once thought
I'll be an awesome singer.
A breathtaking tabla player.
A fabulous designer.
An erudite poet.
An interior designer.
A dangerous spin bowler.
I once thought I could be anything,

Here it is
Another birthday
And here I am
Sitting in a peculiar remote place
With barely anyone around
Except frightful mountains -
Drowned in paperwork
Adding subtracting numbers -
Money somebody
Owes to someone else.
Solving riddles in a strange dialect.
Construction work that
Tires the ears.
Screaming that keeps even
Birds away.
(A 'Christina's World' kind of ambience
set in Kashmir
with added local macabre)
Thinking about nothing else other than
The necessity
To keep my organs from failing
By eating and drinking at regular periods of time.

Trying hard
To be alive
For the next day.

Wednesday, 16 September 2020


The clothes know
How to talk
To the wind,
Flailing outside on the rope
Fitted at both ends
With nothing but long sticks.

So are we,
In almost the same manner 
To talk to you, God
In this life -
Beaten, hung on the rope of breaths
Fitted at both ends
With long sleek versions 
Of nothing but ourselves.

Monday, 14 September 2020

The Road to Perdition

The rustling of self-doubt
The recurrent barking of thoughts
The mattress of hard feelings
The unanticipated scratching of memories
The honking on the highway of embarrassment
The clueless snoring of disappointments
The quilt of inexpiable mistakes
The perpetual gnawing of insomniac grief
The penumbral ceiling of responsibilities
The cushion of unfulfilled dreams
The distant fusillade of guilt

Nothing beats loneliness
Like a dreadful night.

Friday, 11 September 2020

Weather Chronicles

By night -

One foot 
Outside the 
Warm blanket
Showing solidarity
With your weather.

You mumbling 
My name 
In sleep
Sweating the clouds
With embarrassment.

By day - 
Arguing about the weak phone signal.

While it is windy here
It rains there.

Sunday, 6 September 2020


. . . sometimes we need to wear our parents’ clothes and look at ourselves for a long time in the mirror.
                                                                 - Alejandro Zambra
                                                               Ways of Going Home

First come the wrinkles or
Those are what we notice first.
The white hair streaks afterwards.
You kiss them on the cheeks
Then suddenly their neat tears fall.
Then comes the elbow pain
Or groin
The heart palpitations thereafter
Then those terrible tiny little fights.
Then the cataracts
The vigils next
Or the early clanging of utensils.
The upset stomach.
Then the plaques
The irises stiffer
Then the teeth start falling off.
The skin spray-paints itself unevenly 
Then the joints stiffen...

Then one day
A phone call, an inkling or
While you are away 
Buying groceries
Some random neighbour half-hugs and 
Takes you home
Against your wish.

Then comes the reckoning.

Then one day
Your child kisses you and
Then the tears.


Thursday, 27 August 2020


A local politician
Spewing venom
Before distributing 
Party-logo printed masks among people . . .

Trying hard to stop
Her baby from
Hitting the live camera . . .

Some random guy
"Am I audible?"
In a webinar
Blabbering nothing but empty words . . .

Local administration
Seizing a dilapidated shop
Beaming with people . . .

The weary participants
Trying hard to re-connect . . .

The unmuted
Mute students
Desperate for their attendance . . .

An institutional head
Issuing written order
Against the absent faculty
Wheezing at home . . .

A mask and gloves wearing man
Counting our sins 
On a sanitized rosary
Boasting about God . . .

We are
As we were 
Before the pandemic -

Monday, 24 August 2020

in absentia

Now that you are gone,
I rest in your bed.
I sit in the places I remember you sitting
Have offered prayers
I fiddle with your leftover things.
Clean your room.
(Dis)arrange things.

I do all the things
Unecessary -
Teaching myself failed lessons everyday
Each moment on
How not to miss you.

I then exit the room,
Leaving the door ajar
For you
To return and retort:
Has anyone been in my room?
I can't find my things!

Thus teaching you lessons
Every time
On how not to leave me

Till then,
Things will go missing.


Thursday, 13 August 2020


These days
Pain feels non-degradable 
Like a polythene bag filled with trash
Lying at the bottom of an ocean
Not knowing how it got there
In the first place.

Enduring that pain
Feels like it being photographed
For documentary purposes
To showcase the degradation of humanity.

Hiding that pain? -
Hiding it 
Feels like the ocean itself
Stashing the trash inside -
Not knowing where it ends or begins.

Right now,
How Alice weeps a pool of tears?
- Makes sense.

Saturday, 18 July 2020


A glamorous bureaucratic party
Over tortuous interrogation cells -
Bolaño once
wrote about it.

A pile of angry words
metered meticulously
cursing the oppressor
Dipped in cheap government ink.

The perfect structure of desultory resistances.

Thursday, 9 July 2020

Workout Videos

You will either be bored
Or cry.
Yes, those extremities 
Of real life -
That can't be scrolled at ease.
If only we poor
Emaciated people
Start uploading it -
This cruel world
Our inexpensive gym.

Sunday, 5 July 2020

Sighs of a diffident Lifer

It makes no sense
Calling people who don't pick up
Or thinking about them.
Or looking into the washroom mirror
When the usual chores are over
Holding your tears back and
Drowning them in their infancy.

The best way
(There could be others as well)
is to forgive them.
Forgive yourself.
Absolve them of their sins
Not because you are somehow
Optimistic about life
But to keep yourself sane.
Keep their memories safe.
In times like these
When hate is contagious
Like some airborne virus.

Or to turn them
Into fiction in your head,
In your life.
That way
They are always available
Always free.
Always attentive.

The only condition 
(like Orpheus) however
is to never answer them back.
Just keep listening
And forgiving
And continue living
As hard as it gets.
(what you otherwise call 
the ordinary sighs
Of a diffident lifer).

Friday, 3 July 2020

Adam's Curse

When imagination is pitted against
Bouts of depression
What always wins
is silence -
Benumbing silence - that pierces
The arbitrary meaning of words.

People often ask
Why don't you write regularly?
Like others
For the poet's tiny corner
In the factual world of newspapers.

What they don't apprehend
Is the bloody landscape of the mind
When seen against the charred pampas of the heart
Set in a body
That wakes to grief
Like someone rudely awakened
In a jest
With blood shot eyes
Making sense of the world
That does not at all sleep.

That a poem is not poetry.
One needs to sift the words
Sacrifice them on the altar of feelings
Unless meaning runs through them like blood.
Imagination is not always enough.
Give a title.

Friday, 22 May 2020


Most clocks know
They just show time -
They aren't Time itself.

Just like 
Some of us know
We aren't living -
We are Life itself.

Saturday, 16 May 2020

Life among other things

a wall -
a door -
a chair -
a table -
a shelf -
a bed -

How essential
These ordinary things seem
To hold on to
When one suddenly feels dizzy -
To restore balance to this fragile life.

One possesses these things and
Owns a house.

An electric pole
Or sideways

Or probably a stranger.)

Thursday, 14 May 2020

The Mathematics of Life

The one subject that
I utterly 
Failed to understand in school was 

I could never fathom the 
Idea of it all.
The numbers.
The shapes.
The formulas.

Even today 
When we 2
While contemplating the square root of love,
With 80 eyes
26 brains 
3 religions
96 prejudices
200 fingers
1001 bank accounts
86 fists
32 missed calls
60 moral lessons
2 cultures,
meet at a traingular table
In the square park
Of this rhombus city
Bracketed in this oval world -
I fail to perceive
The lines that run parallel to us.

In the hastiness of a solution
I subtract you from me
Only to find that
Unlike the book
Life comes with no answers
At the end.

This formulaic World.
That shapeless God.

Tuesday, 12 May 2020

Contrary to Common Opinion

Not weakness.
Not flaw.
Not powerlessness.
After a certain age,
The act of weeping turns into
Art itself.

Tears become ropes 
Lowered from the cliffs of worldly appearance
To save the heart from falling off.

And contrary to common opinion
The art is a success.

Monday, 4 May 2020

Of Love and other Verses

It is strange,
how you remind me of religion.

Just the other day,
The dampness
of your cushion inundated
The dirty narrow streets 
Of my heart.
The way it floods in holy books
With poetic verses.

Noah knew it.
He knew how the mind fails as an ark.
For him it was not a flood.
It was an act of re-creation.

That is how
God plans everything.
All this.

Like biscuits in tea.
Love makes people porous.

Thursday, 30 April 2020

Nothing like a Viral Meme

Write Kashmiris
In some catchy font
Kanye West
In the picture
Drooling inside the
Mandala of sneakers around him.
The way we wail 
In the graveyards of our dead.

In this age
Nothing moves us humans
Like a viral meme.

Tuesday, 28 April 2020

Two Poets and a Crowd

(for Jaun Elia and Charles Bukowski)

This one doesn't cuss.
The other one does.

This one rambles names
Chanting them as verses 
Like conjuring a spell
One after the other
Snapping around
Urging people to recognize him
as a failure.
While slapping himself.

The other one maunders.
Sipping beer
Imploring for more
Warning people to behave.
Develop a taste for his ordinary words or
He will kick their ass.

This one is more interested
In anecdotes than Poetry.

The other one smokes, mumbles
Burps in the middle of his poem.

This one depreciates himself as a poet.
The other one gloats himself as the last one.

They differ
But not the crowd.
On both sides of the continent
They all laugh at these jokers
Baring their artistic souls.
Like people do in sitcom shows.

'The words have not been heard'

'The world has failed them both.'

Friday, 17 April 2020

The Unwritten

I like it
When your voice breaks
Over the phone.
In those moments
You could be saying anything.
I can make you say anything.
"I've found a God in you"
"Everything, other than love, is wrong in the world"
"No poetry can capture the sanctity of certain relationships"

It is like when one is writing and
The ink dries out.
And the pen mocks writing.
One can scribble anything with it now
Write the unwritten.
Compose personal epics.

I decide to call you again
Bad signal, I say
Only to find out
Your honeyed voice
Back again
Rambling about
The constant barking of dogs.
The insects in the sultry heat.
The colour of the toothbrushes.

Clarity is not what one wishes for -
Voice-breaks are needed to overwrite 
The beginnings of love affairs
The-strangers-yet-to-meet kind of narratives
Over the everyday details.

But, somehow
The voice always comes back -
A thud
A resurrection
An awakening
Pointing us to appreciate
The beauty of the mundane -
The tired dogs.
The dead insects.
The sparkling yellow toothbrush.

Sunday, 12 April 2020

Death of an Individual (English translation of Nida Fazli's urdu nazm 'Fard ki Maut')

Birds are counted
They have no names
All birds are alike

Sheep and goats are counted
They have no names
All sheep and goats are alike

Even Muslims are counted
They have no names
All Muslims are alike

Thursday, 9 April 2020

In that Order Specifically

Hiding in my room
Appreciating the solitude
While waiting for the guests to leave.

Waiting for some stranger
In a government building
For a piece of paper
Nervously fidgeting my feet.

Looking in the mirror
Finding my face besmeared 
With the lust of money.

Life seems like a series of paintings
From Edward Hopper to 
George Tooker to 
Francis Bacon.

and in that order specifically.

Tuesday, 7 April 2020


Like a swarm of insects
We arrived out of nowhere and
Lingered on.
Befouling everything around.
We snatched anything, anywhere.
Looked around.
Gathered information of the unknown.
Maligned the rest
To establish ourselves as superiors.
Bombed places randomly.
Couped lands and bodies.
Built earthquake resistant egos.
Tore humanity like a rag.
Walked on the moon for a mere flag.

Later we contemplated on Aesthetics
Adamantly knowing the answers somehow
Nominated and received awards
As we wrote:

Who sows clouds in the sky?
Is sky earth?
Is God a farmer?

Saturday, 4 April 2020

A Tale of two Homes

Our old home suffered from hyperhidrosis.
No matter how much
You ventilated it, perfumed it
It would still smell like cement.
The walls looked like discarded paintings.
We spent nineteen years there
Learning to bet on life and career
Chasing away storms, rains and floods.
In there: We were sailors 
In search of better coasts.

Until we found one.

With no desire to scratch or
Apply any ointment of love -
Our new home
Suffers from psoriasis.

In here: We are sightseers
In search of new sarais.

Monday, 30 March 2020

Handheld Aesthetics

Writing a poem for you, is like,
Putting the camera at a weird angle.
Something, that does not respect the
Traditional mise en scène but
Something that is perhaps handheld.
Documentary style -
A type of guerrilla filmmaking.

In the midst of the crowd -
Lies the image of your life
You zoom in with a low buget camera,
Guiding the viewer to recognize - the 
Mundane sublimity of being nothing -
But a human being. 

Saturday, 7 March 2020

Spots of Time

A meagre 20-rupee note 
shivering on the dashboard
displays its lightness.
Covering around 35 Kilometers
With just one passenger in the car
he stops randomly by the roadside.
Coarses his throat calling passengers.

With mountains coming close,
as suburbs slide by,
the car zigzagging on the road
seems unnecessary.

As we reach the main stop
reluctantly he gives the note to another man
While I look at my watch.

Wednesday, 5 February 2020

"Everything is the Colonizer's fault"

We already have poets
Who speak truth to power
In various reputed literary magazines.
We already have our politicians' children
Who know how to stay relevant in media.
We already have journalists 
Who are friends with people at high places
In case they write something against them in future.
We already have newspaper editors 
Who know how to beat politicians at golf.
We already have people in uniform
Who know how to change their nationality 
As they return home.
We already have government employees
Who are oblivious to politics 
In the first week of every month.

What we need God
(If you are still up there) is
Some handsome typical
Rich, high caste Kashmiri dictator 
Who empathizes with our material zest.
Someone who understands 
Our helplessness to be religious and
speaks Arabic like poetry. 

Thursday, 30 January 2020

At the rate of Democracy (2G in 2020)

Imagine an innocent child
With an IQ of 40
Competing in a spelling contest.
The judges have  just given him
The simplest of the simple
After seeing his face
The word 'The'.
The child stammers
Asks them politely to repeat the word
Again and again
Until they are irritated.
The child picks his nose.
Moves his fingers in the air.
Regrets eating rice before the competition.
Continuously asks for
Any alternative roots
Any other hints.
Until the judges are pronounced dead and
The child sucks on his lollipop.