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Friday, 25 September 2020

Ordinary Shenanigans

It is late September morning.
The air smells of
Impending winter.
We are doubtful, divided -
arguing, advising,
assuring, ruminating
Whether a half-sweater 
Or a full one 
Would have been handy and
Wise to wear
Or whether it'd be too hot
As the day approaches.

Things ordinary people do -
In a place that flaunts
Velvet dresses and corduroy shirts.

Thursday, 24 September 2020


When you are around
Everything ordinary is a unique experience.
I pass through a door in a crammed city and
Find myself in the middle of a dense forest.
A needle kisses me and I
Burst into colourful jelly fishes.
I ring the bell of an unknown house and
God opens the door, smiling.
I warble a dirge and
It suddenly turns into a love song.
I consume food and
Flowers bloom inside my stomach.
I pass by a graveyard and
Blush with their animated greetings.

Rest of the times,
The world is an ancient stone wall
I keep bumping into
Even with my eyes open.

Monday, 21 September 2020


I won't tell you about
What happened in the protest.
The chants of Azadi
The teargas
The shelling
The blood
The routine

I would rather report to you 
What happened before it all:
How you savoured 
Loads of cheap Nadir Monji
By a roadside shop
Smacking your lips
After eating loads of Chetin
While your eyes glowed with life and declared:
Now is the time to Rule.

- a moment of truth
Before everything turns 
Into nothing but images.
Poor images.
Pixelated images.
Viral images.
Shared images.
Commented images.

Saturday, 19 September 2020

Birthday kinda Poem

I once thought
I'll be an awesome singer.
A breathtaking tabla player.
A fabulous designer.
An erudite poet.
An interior designer.
A dangerous spin bowler.
I once thought I could be anything,

Here it is
Another birthday
And here I am
Sitting in a peculiar remote place
With barely anyone around
Except frightful mountains -
Drowned in paperwork
Adding subtracting numbers -
Money somebody
Owes to someone else.
Solving riddles in a strange dialect.
Construction work that
Tires the ears.
Screaming that keeps even
Birds away.
(A 'Christina's World' kind of ambience
set in Kashmir
with added local macabre)
Thinking about nothing else other than
The necessity
To keep my organs from failing
By eating and drinking at regular periods of time.

Trying hard
To be alive
For the next day.

Wednesday, 16 September 2020


The clothes know
How to talk
To the wind,
Flailing outside on the rope
Fitted at both ends
With nothing but long sticks.

So are we,
In almost the same manner 
To talk to you, God
In this life -
Beaten, hung on the rope of breaths
Fitted at both ends
With long sleek versions 
Of nothing but ourselves.

Monday, 14 September 2020

The Road to Perdition

The rustling of self-doubt
The recurrent barking of thoughts
The mattress of hard feelings
The unanticipated scratching of memories
The honking on the highway of embarrassment
The clueless snoring of disappointments
The quilt of inexpiable mistakes
The perpetual gnawing of insomniac grief
The penumbral ceiling of responsibilities
The cushion of unfulfilled dreams
The distant fusillade of guilt

Nothing beats loneliness
Like a dreadful night.

Friday, 11 September 2020

Weather Chronicles

By night -

One foot 
Outside the 
Warm blanket
Showing solidarity
With your weather.

You mumbling 
My name 
In sleep
Sweating the clouds
With embarrassment.

By day - 
Arguing about the weak phone signal.

While it is windy here
It rains there.

Sunday, 6 September 2020


. . . sometimes we need to wear our parents’ clothes and look at ourselves for a long time in the mirror.
                                                                 - Alejandro Zambra
                                                               Ways of Going Home

First come the wrinkles or
Those are what we notice first.
The white hair streaks afterwards.
You kiss them on the cheeks
Then suddenly their neat tears fall.
Then comes the elbow pain
Or groin
The heart palpitations thereafter
Then those terrible tiny little fights.
Then the cataracts
The vigils next
Or the early clanging of utensils.
The upset stomach.
Then the plaques
The irises stiffer
Then the teeth start falling off.
The skin spray-paints itself unevenly 
Then the joints stiffen...

Then one day
A phone call, an inkling or
While you are away 
Buying groceries
Some random neighbour half-hugs and 
Takes you home
Against your wish.

Then comes the reckoning.

Then one day
Your child kisses you and
Then the tears.
