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Friday, 29 March 2013

A Young Kashmiri Lover

 Your Love
Arrests me
Even from
A remote location
It cordons me off to a far distant land.

It Curfews my Body
Crackdowns my Feelings.

It Bludgeons me
To the point
That I collapse to the ground
Like someone killed in an Encounter.

Your Beauty
Kills me from the inside
It Frisks my beliefs
Blows up my soul in shreds


And High up
My soul turns into Sick Doves.

Your love
I think
Has a point to make
Or why should I discover
Graves of Emotions in me.
For this reason only
Enquire my disappearance
Most of the times
In you.

With you
on my side
I believe
I can Write a brand new Intifada of Love
Fraught with
The Geography of a Utopian Land .

I Protest
Only for you, My Love.
My only Slogan.

Just be with me
In multitudes
Like Army in Kashmir
So that your love
Arrests me again
and again
      and again.....

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